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Members saved an estimated £30 million on flights in 2019

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We’ll be busy finding you the best flight deals around including discounts, hidden offers and error fares.
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You get to go on Holiday!
We’ll email you the best deals as I find them and you just need to decide which ones to book and then you’re off on holiday!

Hi, I’m Jack

A flight hacking ninja that you might have read about in the Times, Telegraph or Lonely Planet. I love uncovering cheap flights and sharing them with our Flight Club members.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why does he do this?” Well, I just think people should be able to see the world and explore new places on any budget. And from a young age, it’s been my passion to explore the globe – 53 countries and counting – and doing so by flying for ridiculously cheap prices.

And yes, I know not everyone has the time, know-how (ok, or the passion) to dig out flights like Bali for £189 or Peru for £212. But hey, I do, and that’s why I set up this newsletter.