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For worldwide flights departing airports in Boston, Chicago, New York, Philadelphia and Washington DC

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You get to go on Holiday!
We’ll email you the best deals as we find them and you just need to decide which ones to book and then you’re off on holiday!

Hi, I’m Jack

You might’ve read about a certain flight hacking ninja in Time, the BBC or Lonely Planet. Well, that’s me. I live for uncovering cheap flights and sharing them with our Flight Club members.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why does he do this?” Well, I think people should be able to see the world and explore new places on any budget. It’s my passion to explore the globe – 53 countries and counting – and doing so by flying for ridiculously cheap prices!

And yes, I know not everyone has the time or know-how to dig out the cheapest flights deals like Paris for $298 or Ecuador for $186. But hey, I do, and that’s why I set up this newsletter, to share them with all of you.